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Drivers Ed -Driving Test Questions and Answers 5

1. At a _________ light, after checking to the rear, stop before entering the intersection or at the stop bar. If the stop cannot be made safely, proceed through the intersection with caution.
A: Red
B: Yellow
C: Red arrow
D: Green arrow

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2. Enter a curve slower than the posted speed if your vehicle has a high center of gravity or if surface _____________ is less than ideal.
A: Traction
B: Speed
C: Energy
D: Maneuvers

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3. When you park, open your door and exit carefully - if you are exiting into a traffic lane, exit toward the _________ of the vehicle.
A: Front
B: Top
C: Rear
D: Bottom

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4. Before changing lanes, identify a safe gap, check your mirrors and blind spots and __________ your intentions to change lanes.
A: Predict
B: Process
C: Consider
D: Signal

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5. When loading a moving van, distribute the weight evenly and place most of the weight over the __________.
A: Top
B: Rear
C: Axles
D: Front

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6. Assess your ________ while driving by predicting the chances of a conflict occurring.
A: Vision
B: Acceleration
C: Fuel economy
D: Risk

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7. Traffic convictions are rated depending on how severe the violation is. This rating system is commonly known as the ____ system.
A: Suspension
B: Emissions
C: Point

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8. Before driving a vehicle that you have rented or borrowed, test the vehicle's ____________ and steering systems.
A: Hydrofluid
B: Electromagnetic
C: Lubrication
D: Brake

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9. Your vehicle ________ equipment, tires, brakes, pedals, lights, horn and fluids must be in good operating condition in order to pass state vehicle inspection requirements.
A: Safety
B: Audio

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10. Secondary controls can become a distraction that take your ___________off the road and hands off the wheel.
A: Thoughts
B: Eyes
C: Tires
D: Mind

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Drivers Ed -Driving Test Questions and Answers 4

1. If a truck is ahead in the left lane with a right turn signal on, stay away from its __________ side.
A: Left
B: Front
C: Right
D: Top

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2. Speed limits are set by traffic engineers based on__________ road, traffic and environmental conditions.
A: Ideal
B: Inclement
C: Indecisive
D: Irregular

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3. The considerable weight and__________ of an SUV makes collisions more dangerous for drivers of small vehicles.
A: Height
B: Headlights
C: Versatility
D: Cost

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4. In merging situations, if you see that you and another vehicle might collide if you continue at the same speed, adjusting speed (faster or slower) might be the

solution to create a safe _____.
A: Lane
B: Gap
C: Environment
D: Inertia

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5. Before driving, have the ___________ committed to memory.
A: State doctrine
B: DMV address
C: Exit numbers
D: Rules-of-the-road

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6. Large, heavy vehicles have slow acceleration, long__________distances and respond poorly through sharp turns.
A: Communication
B: Steering
C: Braking
D: Starting

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7. Drivers with a green light and pedestrians with a WALK signal are usually going the _____________ direction.
A: Wrong
B: Opposite
C: Illegal
D: Same

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8. If you are sharing the road with a large vehicle, don't tailgate; back off so you can ________and be seen.

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9. __________ have extended blind spots and no-zones on all sides, similar to large trucks.
B: Compact cars
C: RVs
D: Sedans

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10. Position your vehicle or ____________ lanes to be in the correct lane well in advance of the intersection.
A: Anticipate
B: Mark
C: Identify
D: Change

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DMV Practice Permit Test Study Guide

You can find everything you need to pass your Learner's Permit or Driver's License test that includes more than driving test 500+ questions. Free and unlimited practice tests questions and answers. This Learners Permit Study Guide helps you to get ready for your Learners Permit (driving permit). Learners permit practice test prep includes traffic signs and signals questions almost identical to the real test. Get ready for your permit test today!

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